随年龄的增长,面部逐渐呈现皮肤松垂、皮 下软组织体积减少、皮肤纹理增多、色素沉着等 衰老现象[1]。传统手术术式复杂、创伤程度高、 术后并发症多、治疗效果较为局限,目前已逐渐 被微创治疗所取代[2]。通过微创操作改善面部轮 廓,具有快速简单、安全有效、创伤程度低、恢 复较快的特点[3]。聚左旋乳酸(poly L-lactic acid, PLLA)作为一种再生材料,可通过真皮或皮下 注射方式刺激机体胶原蛋白再生,从而达到紧致 肌肤、提升面部轮廓的效果。艾维岚® 为国内首个 获得NMPA三类器械认证的PLLA产品,目前已在 多部位年轻化治疗中获得良好的临床疗效。基于 此,本研究回顾性分析32例经艾维岚® 治疗的面部 皮肤松弛患者临床资料,探讨外轮廓注射PLLA的 临床效果,现报道如下。
黄 江 (杭州普迈医疗美容诊所,浙江 杭州 311500) 【关键词】聚左旋乳酸;皮肤松弛;外轮廓注射;面部提升 中图分类号:R622 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-4949(2023)20-0083-02
At the 12-month follow-up, there was a statistically significant increase of skin elasticity and hydration in PLLA-treated subjects and a decrease in transepidermal water loss in both groups. Pigmentation, erythema, and pore size were significantly decre
The WSRS is a valid and reliable instrument for quantitative assessment of facial skin folds, with good inter- and intra-observer consistency. By allowing objective and reproducible grading of data, the WSRS should prove a useful clinical tool for assessi