At the 12-month follow-up, there was a statistically significant increase of skin elasticity and hydration in PLLA-treated subjects and a decrease in transepidermal water loss in both groups. Pigmentation, erythema, and pore size were significantly decre
PLLA-induced augmentation is most likely based on capsule formation orchestrating macrophages, (myo-)fibroblasts, and collagen type I and III fibres. We observed considerably slower degradation of PLLA particles than described previously. Thus PLLA partic
观察1例艾维岚®在修饰先天前额骨性发育不全患者中的应用效果。方法 选取2021年3月因先天前额骨性发育不全而导致真皮萎缩于我院就诊的1例患者为研究对象,选用艾维岚®进行为期2个月的额部注射治疗。观察临床疗效、不良反应发生情况、患者满意度。结果 患者前额不平整状态得到矫正,凹凸不平现象得到缓解,额部轮廓自然,线条流畅,无明显不良反应,患者对治疗效果非常满意。结论 艾维岚®额部注射用于纠正先天性前额骨性发育不全效果良好,能够有效改善面部额骨不平整现象,且具有微创、安全、有效、并发症较少的优点,值得应用。