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Effect and Safety Analysis of Poly (L-lactic acid) in Hand Rejuvenation

Lijie Chen Shanghai Starnic Medical Cosmetology Clinic, Shanghai 200040, China.

Abstract: Objective To investigate the efficacy of poly (L-lactic acid) application in the rejuvenation of hands, and to analyze the safety of its application. Methods two subjects with aging problems of the hands were given subcutaneous injections of poly-L-lactic acid for hand filling improvement treatment, a detailed protocol of improving treatment was developed and treated, the status of hand improvement in subjects was followed up after treatment, and standardized hand photographs were taken as a contrast basis. Results after 2 month of young onset hand repair surgery on the two propositi, the veins and prominence of the bones of the hand improved significantly in the two propositi, the darker skin complexion state improved, and the collagen content of the hand improved, with gradual fullness of the fingers in subject 1. Three months after the young onset repair surgery, the skin quality of the hand improved significantly more finely in subject 2, and the darker skin complexion problem had largely disappeared, with the bones remaining intact in the two propositi, The venous prominence problems had largely disappeared, the collagen content of the hands had improved significantly, the finger morphology of patient 1 and the problems of dark finger joints had all improved significantly, and none of the 2 subjects had related complications, and the 2 subjects had high satisfaction with the young treatment of polylactic acid hand. Conclusions the use of poly-L-lactic acid in revision treatment of hand rejuvenation has shown remarkable results and a good safety profile. Keywords: Poly-L-Lactic Acid; Younger Age of Hands; Dermal Filling; Safety Preface; Löviselle




艾维岚® 骨膜注射对深层脂肪垫(SOOF)区域增容的临床疗效

分析艾维岚®骨膜注射对深层脂肪垫(SOOF)区域增容的临床疗效。 方法 选取2022年1月-2022年4月于我院美容外科行注射艾维岚®矫正面颊部凹陷及祛除鼻唇沟治疗的48例患者为研究对象,根据注射方式不同分为对照组23例和观察组25例,对照组采用皮下注射,观察组采用骨膜注射,比较两组满意度及临床疗效,并观察骨膜治疗前后CT、MRI影像检测结果。 结果 观察组满意度评分为(4.26±0.10)分,高于对照组的(3.32±0.21)分(P<0.05);观察组治疗总有效率为92.00%,高于对照组的86.9



艾维岚® 在1例修饰先天前额骨性发育不全患者中的效果

观察1例艾维岚®在修饰先天前额骨性发育不全患者中的应用效果。方法 选取2021年3月因先天前额骨性发育不全而导致真皮萎缩于我院就诊的1例患者为研究对象,选用艾维岚®进行为期2个月的额部注射治疗。观察临床疗效、不良反应发生情况、患者满意度。结果 患者前额不平整状态得到矫正,凹凸不平现象得到缓解,额部轮廓自然,线条流畅,无明显不良反应,患者对治疗效果非常满意。结论 艾维岚®额部注射用于纠正先天性前额骨性发育不全效果良好,能够有效改善面部额骨不平整现象,且具有微创、安全、有效、并发症较少的优点,值得应用。



Injection technique in neurotoxins and fillers: Indications, products, and outcomes

Injectable fillers and neuromodulators are used for a range of indications pertaining to the correction of facial aging and disfigurement. Fillers can correct soft tissue loss, depressed scars, and atrophy or asymmetry induced by systemic or local disease