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Effect and Safety Analysis of Poly (L-lactic acid) in Hand Rejuvenation

Lijie Chen Shanghai Starnic Medical Cosmetology Clinic, Shanghai 200040, China.

Abstract: Objective To investigate the efficacy of poly (L-lactic acid) application in the rejuvenation of hands, and to analyze the safety of its application. Methods two subjects with aging problems of the hands were given subcutaneous injections of poly-L-lactic acid for hand filling improvement treatment, a detailed protocol of improving treatment was developed and treated, the status of hand improvement in subjects was followed up after treatment, and standardized hand photographs were taken as a contrast basis. Results after 2 month of young onset hand repair surgery on the two propositi, the veins and prominence of the bones of the hand improved significantly in the two propositi, the darker skin complexion state improved, and the collagen content of the hand improved, with gradual fullness of the fingers in subject 1. Three months after the young onset repair surgery, the skin quality of the hand improved significantly more finely in subject 2, and the darker skin complexion problem had largely disappeared, with the bones remaining intact in the two propositi, The venous prominence problems had largely disappeared, the collagen content of the hands had improved significantly, the finger morphology of patient 1 and the problems of dark finger joints had all improved significantly, and none of the 2 subjects had related complications, and the 2 subjects had high satisfaction with the young treatment of polylactic acid hand. Conclusions the use of poly-L-lactic acid in revision treatment of hand rejuvenation has shown remarkable results and a good safety profile. Keywords: Poly-L-Lactic Acid; Younger Age of Hands; Dermal Filling; Safety Preface; Löviselle









敏感皮肤(sensitive skin)在普通人群中较为常见。国际瘙痒研究论坛(IFSI)的敏感皮肤特别兴趣小组(SIG)将敏感皮肤定义为对通常情况下不会引起不适感觉的刺激出现反应,并有不愉快的感觉(刺痛、灼烧、疼痛、瘙痒和刺痛感)。患者的皮肤可能看起来正常,伴有抓痒的患者会有红斑[1]。IFSI发现敏感皮肤对大约一半的人群造成影响,且女性比男性更常见[2,3]。




目的 观察艾维岚®在面部外轮廓紧致提升中的临床疗效。方法 选择2021年1月-2022年2月我院收治的20例颞部凹陷、下颌松弛患者为研究对象,均接受艾维岚®面部注射,比较治疗前后患者的皮肤松弛分级指数、皮肤拉伸距离、VISIA评分,并于治疗后评估患者满意度及并发症发生情况。